Hello beautiful. I'm #plussizebohovick and I'd like to welcome you to our store!
About you?
I'm guessing you're some sort of free spirited boho soul with a penchant for the finest and funkiest plus size bohemian clothing known to humankind. We know - oh yes we do - that you light up a room (or beach) with your fabulous bohemian fashion choices!
About me? I'm many things... I'm plus sized and I'm a free spirit. I'm a digital nomad, a hippie chick, a world traveler, a writer, an animal-lover, a bohemian and a great lover of life in general.
But most of all I'm PERFECTLY IMPERFECT.
I'm middle-aged (yup, 50 and counting) and I have squishy bits, wobbly bits, jiggly bits and wrinkly bits. I've got a big bum, a big belly and - go on, guess! - big, big boobs. I've got lumps and bumps and stretch marks and love handles and cellulite and yes - when I dance - it all moves!
Why does any of this matter? Well, because society has decided that women (especially those of a certain age or size) should all look a certain way. Sadly, society wants us all to fit into the same mould.
And that - dear plussizeboho lover - is a concept that I will fight until the day I f@#king die!
Because it's okay to be PERFECTLY IMPERFECT
In fact it's kind of fabulous. Personally I've never been happier.
I'm a contented soul who's had enough of society's bu@#$hit, so I take the time in each plussizeboho product description or video reel to tell you exactly what each glorious boho creation is like from my own personal plus size point of view. I've had enough of ordering so-called "plus size" clothes only to discover they're anything but when they arrive at my door.
So come on: this is going to be great! If you're happy to be PERFECTLY IMPERFECT like me, grab your boho glad rags and dance with me. We may jiggle and wobble a little (in all the right places, of course!), but together we are starting a revolution. And looking fabulous beyond compare while we're doing it.
Love and jiggles,
PS: If you want to check out my travel blog, you can at www.skybluecontent.com